Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe

Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe
VRS Speaker

Prof. Saroj Jayasinghe is the Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and is an alumnus of the Faculty and joined the staff as a Lecturer in 1982. He was one of the longest serving consultant physicians to the National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, until his retirement in 2021. Prof. Jayasinghe has worked as a consultant physician in the NHS in the UK and in Malaysia. He has MBBS (Hon), MD (Colombo), MD (Bristol), PhD (Col), FCCP, MRCP (UK), FRCP (Lond), and FNASSL. Prof. Jayasinghe was the Founder, Head of the Department of Medical Humanities in the University of Colombo and the Founder Director of the Medical Education Development and Research Centre (MEDARC). He played a key role in establishing a research programme on meditation at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo.